Hawaii 2021 - Day 3
I'm a little behind. Cathy and I have been here on the Big Island for three days now and covered a lot of ground with walks involving beaches and volcanic rock, swam in tempting waters, ate some good food and found some really good beer.
Today started with a hike through the proverbial jungle. Hawaii, the island, is the youngest of the Hawaiian Islands and therefore, has a lot of volcanic rock with relatively young growth coming out of the rock base. It's still making new land and volcanoes spit molten lava out on the eastern side of the island. It's why it is a little thin when it comes to sandy beaches, they just haven't had time to deposit dissolved rock in the form of fine quartz. For that, you have to go to Kauai, one of the oldest islands, which is loaded with sandy beaches.
This is 'Alula Beach (yes, the apostrophe is part of the name). Along with the tongue-twister National Historical Park (Kaloko-Honokohau), it contains some replicas of early Hawaiian structures, sacred grounds, and lots of Sea Turtles. It also has a fair amount of sand which isn't the norm.
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