Bernie's Mittens

 What a hoot.

The nation has been getting its fill of Bernie Sanders photographed at the inauguration arms folded wearing hand-made mittens with a look of near obliviousness on his face. This image has been transported and photoshopped into a variety of famous photos with ridiculous circumstances. Ha Ha Ha. 

Considering the time people have on their hands given the pandemic's hold on people's activities, it's not surprising the creative juices have exploded. No good honest opportunity to promote irrelevant fun should be missed. 

Fortunately, Sanders handled it with uncharacteristic mirth and turned this moment into a beneficial opportunity - not to enrich himself, but rather someone else that could use the help. The Bernie camp quickly produced sweatshirts with the photo likeness and sold them to raise money for the Vermont Meals-on-Wheels program. 

While some of these photos are produced with the intent of giving Bernie a not-so-gentle jab at the personality he has become, people forget that he has through the years been a person that hasn't materially monetized his senatorship like so many have. He didn't come from wealth and he hasn't accumulated wealth. He makes a good salary, probably has a good side income from speaking engagements, but it's not like he has large asset holdings for properties in far flung lands. That isn't him. 

Leonard, he's sitting in my spot again!

About four and a half years ago, he ran for presidency against a formidable candidate, attempting to overcome a stacked deck in the form of superdelegates that committed before candidates declared and an inside track given to Clinton from the DNC leadership. Democrats were mad he even ran against Clinton, just by running a campaign. And Clinton's loss became Sander's fault. He weakened her, they claimed which is why we had four miserable years of Donald Trump. He was never (and still isn't) forgiven by those bitter by the stinging Clinton loss. 

Clinton would have made a solid president. I had no issue with the money she earned during the out years of public service, nor an issue with contributors from the banks and financial houses. But Sanders deserved better than being a scapegoat for the Clinton loss. Some of the memes showing up I'm sure are promulgated by the bitterness some in the Clinton camp still hold over Sanders. Take that you faux-Democrat gadfly! We're tired of your $15 minimum wage revolution and hopeless call for health care as a right schtick. You're not a real Democrat.

Yeah, I'm still bitter. When Bernie Sanders saw the writing on the wall in 2016 and knew Hillary Clinton would be the candidate, it took two weeks for me to recover to the point where I felt comfortable getting behind Clinton. This well-meaning person who I thought was the best chance to have a head of state in this country without a dollar sign attached to his ass and just wanted us to look at the millions of those living on less than ideal means, facing job strife, wondering where the next day's meal is coming, wondering how to get a chance at advanced educational opportunity, getting health care without a special job, curbing climate change effects, and limiting the continual racial divide we have in this country. 

Bernie Sanders is getting up in age. At some point, Bernie will be no more. I don't see any one that could replace his fire, intelligence, empathy for the underprivileged, passion to retard the wealth gap, and just plain push for a better life for those facing the constant day-to-day struggles against the business behemoths and powerfully connected that seemingly never get enough. 

Until then, have fun. Meme away.



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